For You!
In accordance with the Louis CK mantra of "It's hard to be sad and useful at the same time," I decided that instead of mourning summer's end, I'd channel my woes* into something productive, namely, a Weekly Meal Plan that should help you get back into the lunch-making, shoe-tying, carpool-dreading, form-signing (form-forgetting?) crazy-making back-to-school routine. The line-up is below -- as usual, every dinner is there for a reason, whether that reason is simplicity, efficiency, or because it elicited an "I could eat like this every night" review from one of the diners at my table. Because I'm feeling extra sad/productive I have also included a shopping list. You are very very welcome.
Click here for your Weekly Meal Plan, which starts on Sunday, but could obviously be adjusted to allow for Monday being a holiday. You'll need to come back to this page to link to the recipes, but everything else should be there. Please let me know if I forgot something -- I always do!
Classic Slaw (recipe on PDF)
Corn on the Cob with Butter and Parm (no recipe; I think you can handle)
Caesar Salad with Rotisserie Chicken
Baguette (optional)
Corn, Tomato, Basil Salad (scroll down on link)
Avocado Salad with Red Onion and Herbs (recipe on PDF)
White or Brown Rice (optional)
Pasta Con Ceci (Pasta with Chickpeas and Tomato Sauce)
Go out. Order in. Relax. You earned it!
*yeah, I know: Everyone should have my problems.
REMINDER: Summer Photo Contest entries are due on Monday, so there's still time to capture some good ones on the long holiday weekend. Thank you to all of you who have submitted already -- they make me so happy, you have no idea.