Welcome Summer!
So I realize that last week, when I gave you the hard sell on my next book, How to Celebrate Everything, I talked a big game about childhood not being a race to the finish line. Well, today I take it back. Sort of. Exhibit A: Every year, on the last day of school, my friend's sister, Diane, hangs "Welcome to Summer Vacation" banners (three separate ones) across the front door of her suburban New Jersey house, and each of her three daughters get to come home and run through it like a marathoner. I don't know this family at all, but I am pretty sure I know one thing: Those kids are going to remember that ritual for the rest of their lives.
Happy Summer Vacation Everybody! Thanks Diane!
P.S. Got a simple, special family ritual like this one? Tell me about it: jenny@dinneralovestory.com.