I responded to the survey, but two things that keep me from inviting people over more are: 1. Most of my friends and I are deep in the throes of the early elementary and preschool years. It’s so much easier to include the kids but that brings me to my second issue: space. My family is in a small apartment with less than stellar parking for guests. I would love to host friends and their kids, especially as a group, yet the logistical nightmare of not enough space keeps me from making that leap.

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Just ordered Trespasses from my local book store! Always appreciate and trust your book recs... originally learned of George Saunders from your blog back in the day!

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My resolution is the same, Jenny! And, by sheer happenstance, we started last night. We have dear friends currently staying with us (they were posted to London, England in the summer and are back visiting family and friends for the holidays). I invited the “crew” over so that everyone could see everyone, and didn’t realize until after the gang had left that our resolution had begun… in earnest too (we ended up hosting 8 adults for dinner)! We made 2 chilis - one veg, one meat (we have a half and half mix in our group). And can you guess which veg chili we made? AND…can you guess which chili came out the winner (for those who could try both)!! Jenny for the win! Thanks and HNY!!!

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I feel the same about Claire Keegan. I can recommend Foster. Have ordered as manyof her works as I could such as Antarctica. Such exquisite writing. And your pork ragú is coming up this weekend. Need comfort!

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Hosting more friends and family at my house is also on my 2023 to do list!

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Yum! I try to capitalize on "accidentally" vegan things and build them into the rotation -- I'm not vegan and have no plans to be, but I like having a robust arsenal of recipes that help me reduce dairy consumption. I recently listened to an episode of the Ezra Klein show about factory farming (https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-ezra-klein-show-2/episode/the-hidden-costs-of-cheap-meat-209096943) and was, predictably, horrified.

Getting me thinking about ways, if any, to try to eat dairy and eggs more ethically -- from small farms, etc. Would love any ideas!

Can't wait to see more of your awesome work in 2023!

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So exited for the menu planning ideas for entertaining! Having friends over for dinner is my number 1 goal for the new year, so I was thrilled to read this today (along with adding a bunch of movies and books to my very long must watch/read lists!). Happy New Year!

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Any chance you would do a recap of your trip? (Also is it just me or did you notice people at the Salt Lake City airport were verrrry into Panda Express?) I would love to hear your favorite airport restaurants.

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