Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

I didn't like 'empty nest' either. We call it free birding! And that applies to our children and us!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

Yes to Open Door! I love that and it is so much more accurate than empty nest, which seems to ignore that WE STILL LIVE HERE! And I love the generous feel of no longer hoarding these amazing creatures all to ourselves. Perfect!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

I love Open Door! My mother still grumbles about how I showed up 6 weeks into college at her house with a carload of friends - she was like, I thought you LEFT. She said this in front of my soon-to-be departing for college daughter, and I said: "You are ALWAYS welcome here, with friends, without friends - show up and I'll cook for you." I'm no doormat, but what could be lovelier than your 18+ kid feeling comfortable bringing people home?!

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hard co-sign here, Sally!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

Love Open Door. Always appreciate Gretchen Rubin's insights too...a Gem! I agree that the "bereftness" of empty nest is off & feels misogynist like "hag" does, tryna harsh our well-earned vibe.

BUT my Open Door season coincided with so many brutal life changes-- menopause, betrayal & subsequent death of my presumed best friend (no chance of figuring that shit out!), substantial losses of: friends, job, 2! different beloved dogs, The feckin PANDEMIC! - that it has been hard to suss out which is what. Have managed by compltetely renovating the girls' former rooms so now the Open Door is even Fancy!

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I'm sorry that it's been a rough stretch, but I so appreciate this comment. Yes, all of that (plus the death of my father and Andy's father) really joined forces to make the empty nest waters murky. Love that you renovated the girls' former rooms -- such satisfying work! (What's that expression: "hard to be sad and useful at the same time"?) Thanks, Samantha.

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach


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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

We prefer "half full!"

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I LOVE the rebranding! Open Door is just so good.

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Mar 20Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

A mutual reader pointed me here (thank you, Caroline!). “Open door” and this entire reframing is totally wonderful. I, too, use “empty nest” under protest, and wrote about it here: https://ashadornfest.substack.com/p/emptynest. This transition time is bittersweet and complex (“murky” is a great way to put it), and I'm so glad we're building out a more nuanced story through conversations like this. Catherine Newman also writes beautifully about this stage. Her newsletter, Crone Sandwich, is a favorite, and you were recently a chickpea guest!

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Thanks for this -- I love your post, "grief comes with the job." And yes, I feel lucky that I'm in the same life phase as Catherine Newman because she articulates everything I'm feeling so perfectly. I was also fortunate to read an advance copy of her novel, Sandwich, coming out in July -- it is wonderful and captures all of the "murkiness." here's the link to pre-order if you are interested: https://amzn.to/43uhuKd

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

Open Door sounds perfect, as do cheese plates and stretchy pants. I'd say I am becoming my mother but she would never wear stretchy pants.

Thank you for the tempeh recipe, it looks great and so easy. I have also been tempeh-curious, and am looking forward to what you create with it.

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Open Door! Open Nest! FKA Empty Nest! The new Open Crib! I am in love with this rebranding. As I do a quick load of sheets following a brief spring break visit 🥰

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

Yes to open door! became an open door(er) this past September (🥰).

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Mar 20Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

I am loving all the thoughtful and generous reframes here!

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“along with James Joyce, understanding tempeh is a huge void in my oversaturated brain.” 😂 So true for me too!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

The campari tomatoes that Costco has are reliably good all year long!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

I loved that rebranding when I read it in Gretchen's newsletter! Yes!

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

so good

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Mar 19Liked by Jenny Rosenstrach

Open door definitely seems more accurate! I love the quote, particularly the reminder to "cultivate an atmosphere of freedom, welcome, and tenderness." On another note, my cookbooks were hidden in the storage unit (recently downsized) and I dug them out yesterday. Made your honey crusted corn-bread that night and WOW, how did I not make that before? SOOOO good! Yum. (From Weekday Vegetarians).

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